Integrative Health & Wellness
How can an Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) Help You?
Have you ever just felt like you'll never get the right answer for your health related issues? Sometimes it seems like nothing will work to heal whatever the symptoms you're experiencing are, no matter if it's been 6 months or 20 years.
It's in that moment that you start to investigate holistic methods for your health and well-being. This is the time to take action by committing to discovering the root cause of the issue at hand.
We often start with going to the doctor and trying numerous medications that in the end do more internal, long term damage to us than actually fix us. The coolest thing about using a functional medicine approach is that you look at the issue as a whole. We look at lifestyle, diet, stress and see how those things contribute to the issue or symptoms at hand. Often times the underlying cause of things can be discovered by using at-home functional medicine testing and by adjusting your complete lifestyle.